Cobra XRS-9430 - 12 Band Radar/Laser Detector with UltraBright Data Display, Voice Alert
Stay alert with a Cobra Radar/Laser Detector! Know where the cops are before they see you and catch you off guard!
Known when emergency vehicals are approcing with the Storbe Alert even when you cannot hear their sirens.
Voice AlertTM
UltraBrightTM Data Display
LaserEye® 360 Detection
Digital Signal Strength Meter
Safety Alert® Traffic Warning System
Cobra Exclusive:
IntelliMuteTM Intelligent Auto Mute System Strobe Alert® Warns of Approaching Emergency Vehicles
Known when emergency vehicals are approcing with the Storbe Alert even when you cannot hear their sirens.
Voice AlertTM
UltraBrightTM Data Display
LaserEye® 360 Detection
Digital Signal Strength Meter
Safety Alert® Traffic Warning System
Cobra Exclusive:
IntelliMuteTM Intelligent Auto Mute System Strobe Alert® Warns of Approaching Emergency Vehicles